Archie Creek Fire Response Project

HRA completed ten months of intensive archaeological monitoring of Pacific Power’s recovery effort for the Archie Creek Fire, which burned in Douglas County, Oregon, along approximately 25 miles of company transmission lines. Working under subcontract to Mountain G. Enterprises (MGE), HRA crew members monitored five to six days per week continuously from September 2020 through July 2021. HRA’s work included conducting research with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), completing pedestrian survey of the transmission line right-of-ways, field documenting nearly 100 archaeological resources, excavating shovel probes to delineate resources, and monitoring transmission line rebuild and vegetation recovery efforts in sensitive areas to ensure archaeological sites were protected and/or minimally disturbed. HRA crew members worked closely with personnel from Pacific Power, MGE, the Umpqua National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management, and construction and tree-cutting crews, providing extensive archaeological data and rapid, detailed resource and project management recommendations.