Interpretive Services
HRA is dedicated to interpreting and exhibiting history in accurate, inclusive, and meaningful ways. Many of our projects have focused on difficult history, and we work directly with communities to sensitively tell important stories. HRA believes strongly in listening carefully to project partners and then assisting them in executing their visions. Our team includes experienced facilitators who strive for collaboration among diverse project partners and community representatives, ensuring that many perspectives are considered and voices heard when developing public interpretation. We believe in sharing authority at every stage of decision-making.
Our interpretive specialists have decades of experience. We adhere to interpretive standards as outlined by the Smithsonian Institute, National Park Service, and National Association for Interpretation, as well as the principles of universal design. We develop interpretation, including multilingual text, visuals, tactile elements, and sensory components, that appeals to a wide range of audiences, educational backgrounds, and cognitive abilities. We believe that the role of interpretation is to spark an interest in a visitor.

Interpretive Planning
History is complicated, but it can also inspire. Our interpretive planning services support stewards of historic and cultural sites …
Exhibition Development
HRA historians are well-versed in developing interpretive content, including permanent, temporary, traveling, and digital exhibitions.