Nicodemus Historic Resource Study

HRA and our partner HRA Gray & Pape, LLC, prepared a historic resource study (HRS) of Nicodemus National Historical Site, an African American community in Kansas founded by formerly enslaved people. The study, which was conducted for the National Park Service, incorporated fieldwork, documentation of the park’s resources, oral histories, and detailed research in archival and secondary sources. HRA’s report traced the many hardships Nicodemus settlers confronted and documented the cultural and religious traditions that helped the community survive. The result of our work was a baseline cultural resources management document, intended to develop and support the park’s interpretive prospectus and National Register of Historic Places evaluations. The HRS was designed to inform future management, preservation, and compliance efforts by identifying research and preservation needs and by providing data regarding historical land use and potential land-use conflicts. Perhaps most important, the HRS links park resources to a coherent and dynamic local and regional history.

Project Members