HRA conducted a cultural resources inventory for the City of Puyallup Knutson Farms Industrial Park Environmental Assessment, a warehouse/industrial project on 125 acres of farmland next to the Puyallup River, as part of State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) compliance for the project. HRA conducted two phases of archaeological survey responding to an expectation that, based on geotechnical sampling, active flood sediments could have buried archaeological materials relatively deeply on this landform that is rated as Very High Risk to High Risk for archaeological resources in the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation’s (DAHP’s) predictive model. The surveys included pedestrian survey and deep auger probes that examined the potential for archaeological materials as deep as 12 feet below the surface to match the depth of subsurface disturbance from construction of the proposed buildings and associated utilities and facilities. However, HRA identified no archaeological materials or deposits. HRA’s architectural historian surveyed built-environment resources on the property and recommended that the primary farmhouse residence and two associated buildings qualified for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under Criterion A for their association with local agricultural history.

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