Macy Vlcek joined HRA in 2022 and has three years of experience working in cultural resources management for both private and nonprofit CRM firms in California, Oregon, and throughout the Great Basin. She has authored numerous technical reports for cultural resources inventories in Idaho, California, and Oregon. Her cultural resources experience includes small- and medium-scale projects, such as urban development, fuels management, and hazard tree removal. Since joining HRA in 2022, Macy has continued to develop CRM focused archaeological skill sets, including leading small crews, research, report writing, and survey and excavation techniques. Macy received a Master of Applied Anthropology (MAA) from Boise State University in 2020 where her research involved leading a Phase II investigation of two precontact sites in Idaho’s Owyhee Uplands in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management.

In her spare time, Macy enjoys backpacking, painting, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

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