Since joining HRA in 2008, Gabriel Frazier has worked on developing HRA’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into daily project workflows. His duties include complex research/data analysis, GIS/GPS field data collection integration, and support of computer-based GIS/GPS mapping and related spatial analysis. He also provides GIS technical leadership and guidance to HRA staff. His wide-ranging GIS interests include using GIS applications for ArcGIS Online web mapping, predictive modeling, cartography, and keeping up to date with trending spatial technologies. Gabe is well versed in applying GIS research concepts to both cultural resources management (CRM) and historical research projects and has over 15 years of GIS experience.

Gabe’s varied understanding involving GIS applications for CRM and historical research projects includes use of GIS-based field data collection strategies, ArcGIS Products, ArcGIS Online web mapping integration, Trimble GPS and software technologies, tablet field collection, geodatabase design and management, spatial and statistical modeling, professional cartography, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) research. Other GIS-based software experience includes Adobe Design Suite with MapPublisher, Total Station EDS, Trimble Pathfinder Office, Positions, GPSCorrect & Terrasync, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Collector, and ArcGIS Pro.

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