Historical Research
Our professional historians locate, analyze, interpret, and present historical documentation for a wide range of clients, including corporations, government agencies, attorneys, developers, and private citizens.
We conduct research across the country on a multitude of historical topics and have developed a deep familiarity with the holdings of the National Archives, the Library of Congress, regional archives, federal records centers, state archives, libraries, agencies, and local historical societies.

Administrative and Corporate History
HRA’s administrative and corporate histories turn past experience into present value by helping to impart institutional knowledge…
Books and Published Materials
HRA writes book length manuscripts suitable for a wide variety of audiences, from academics to the general public.
Land Use Histories
HRA historians provide public and private clients with research, analysis, and reports to explain the land use histories of specific sites…
Oral History
HRA conducts oral history interviews with a wide range of participants, from technical staff to tribal representatives.