Morgen Young is a Principal Historian and Interpretive Specialist in our Portland, Oregon office. After receiving her Master’s degree, she established a historical consulting business, Alder, LLC, in Portland, which she operated until joining HRA in 2016. When asked about her favorite project at HRA, she mentioned several interpretive projects HRA completed at Bosque Redondo Memorial, an International Site of Conscience in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. “Over a period of six years, we built trust among the team members and learned how to accurately and sensitively tell the true story of what happened at this site. During the 1860s, the U.S. Army forcibly removed Diné and Ndé peoples from their homelands and confined them in the Bosque Redondo Indian Reservation. Thousands died during the Long Walk to the reservation, and many died at Bosque Redondo.” HRA’s interpretive work helped create a permanent exhibition at Bosque Redondo, which opened to the public in 2022. Titled Bosque Redondo: A Place of Suffering, A Place of Survival, “the exhibition emphasizes how the experiences of the Diné and Ndé at Bosque Redondo harmed their people and cultures before, during, and after while simultaneously emphasizing the resiliency of those cultures.”

Celebrating 50 years of HRA in 2024!