Lauren Waldroop is an Architectural Historian in our Seattle, Washington office. She joined HRA in 2020 and has worked on a wide variety of field projects across the Pacific Northwest and beyond. She mentioned enjoying a field project with Jeannie Larmon in South Dakota, where she was “able to utilize several skills in the field and back in the office. It felt satisfying to use many of my different skills within one project, including writing, measured drawings, GIS, and measuring the resource in the field.” She also mentioned breathtaking views from the tops of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California on a field project with Heather Miller. When asked what advice she would give her newer colleagues, she said: “Projects come and go, and some are spectacular and fascinating, but the feeling that remains for me at the end of each day is the appreciation I have for my coworkers, management, and our admin team. We truly have a great team, and that seems much more difficult to find these days than awe-inspiring projects.”

Celebrating 50 years of HRA in 2024!