Litigation Support
HRA offers attorneys a wide range of litigation support services, from research to expert witness testimony. We help attorneys understand and use historical evidence in briefs, motions, trial presentations, and settlement discussions.
In connection with litigation, we provide the following services:
- Archival research
- Land title searches
- Potentially Responsible Party searches
- Issue papers and narrative histories
- Expert witness reports
- Assistance with discovery, document management, briefs, depositions, and trial preparation

Expert Witness Services
HRA historians have served as expert witnesses in litigation, as well as providing research and writing support for outside experts.
Water Rights and Adjudications
HRA provides historical research and writing for water rights litigation and adjudications throughout the West. We help clients…
Native American Issues
HRA historians offer extensive expertise in Native American history and legal issues, ranging from treaty rights to jurisdictional matters.
Contaminated Sites
HRA helps clients identify companies, government agencies, and other entities that may be responsible for the cleanup of Superfund and other contaminated sites.